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Welcome to
The Dannon Project

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Welcome to the Dannon Project

The Dannon Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that helps unemployed or underemployed at-risk youth and returning citizens reentering society. The Dannon Project envisions a community where returning citizens and at-risk youth have the tools and support needed to become law-abiding productive citizens who participate in building healthy and safe communities. We provide supportive services that include short-term training, certifications, job placement, and re-entry case management services to repair, restore, and renew the lives of our participants.

Our intensive case management system and extensive referral network allow us to begin working with incarcerated persons six months prior to release. Our goal for effective prisoner reentry services is to interrupt the cycle of recidivism and help people successfully return to and remain in communities in Alabama and South Carolina.

We not only restore their lives but the lives of their families too giving everyone a second chance for achieving life success. We also work to ensure communities are prepared to support returning citizens with housing, jobs, medical services, and positive social connections.  We work with different industries to help each participant attain and keep a job that aligns with their interest and skill set. Our estimated job retention rate for program participants two years post-graduation is 96 percent!

A Word from Our Executive Director

For Executive Director Kerri Pruitt, life is about second chances. After the untimely death of her brother-in-law, Dannon, who was accidentally killed by a recently released prisoner, Kerri was compelled to create a re-entry program for returning citizens. The Dannon Project helps these individuals assimilate into their communities and gives them a second chance at becoming productive citizens.

The Write Life (Special Program)

“The Write Life” is a songwriting therapy program developed by Grammy-Nominated Songwriter, Alvin Garrett, in Birmingham, AL.

Alvin Garrett uses his own innovative songwriting techniques to teach and develop life management skills, effective communication, conflict resolution, and teamwork. Garrett believes that music is a powerful influencer of culture and community, and he uses this program to encourage and promote positivity. 

The Write Life partners with The Dannon Project to provide a highly effective supplemental elective for our life-changing organization. 

Take a listen to the songs that were created:

Ride It Out feat. The Riders

My Reflection feat. The North Stars

Help Through Amazon Smile

Shop AmazonSmile and the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible product purchases to the Dannon Project once you select us as your charitable organization of choice.

Participant Spotlight

Our Youth Careers Training Program "Dannon Star" is Ms. Leah Craig. Leah has achieved a great deal within the past 4 months and we are very proud of her commitment to set her goals high and see herself reaching them.
Leah Craig
Our DOLETA Reentry Program "Dannon Star" is Mr. Corneilus Spelton. He enrolled into our RExO4 program on January 18, 2012. He enrolled in our Success Lab the following week and began Career Readiness classes.
Corneilus Spelton
“I made my mind up before I left prison that I would do everything I needed to do to keep from ever returning to prison.” Duane Jennings said in an interview with the reentry coordinator.
Duane Jennings
RExO Participant