
Our mission is to ensure maximum utilization of private charitable resources and local, state, and federal government assistance to support the development of healthy communities and lifestyles. Our goal is to decrease at-risk behaviors that lead to violence, unemployment, disease, incarceration and re-incarceration, premature death, and economic exclusion caused by generational cycles of poverty.


The Dannon Project serves our participants on a human level, and we openly invite volunteers and mentors to help us in this regard. Mentorship is an integral part of the journey our participants embark on as they re-establish their lives.


Mentors provide a valuable service to Dannon Project participants by:

  • Being a role model
  • Providing a listening ear
  • Encouraging growth and maturity
  • Offering constructive feedback
  • Sharing life experiences

Mentors are vital to building healthy foundations upon which our participants pursue their second chance at life. The additional support provided by our mentors help strengthen our overall programming and experience for our participants. 

Mentor Requirements:

  • 12-month commitment (once matched with a mentee)
  • At least 5 contact hours each month (weekly through text, phone, etc.)
  • At least one hour of face-to-face time
  • Application & one-hour training


If you are interested in mentoring at The Dannon Project, please contact us in one of the following ways:


Email: [email protected] | Phone: 205.202.4072